Importance of a Driver for Safaris

Having a professional and well-trained driver in Rwanda is not only amazing but also keeps you safe and secure for the entire trip. Then, for international tourism, most drivers are employed by tour companies or local tourism agencies, and they are mostly known as driver guides because they…

Tour Lake Natron in Tanzania

Lake Natron in Tanzania offers a unique combination of stunning natural beauty and diverse wildlife. Situated in northern Tanzania, Lake Natron is found on the border with Kenya, alongside the Gregory Rift. As part of the East African Rift System, Lake Natron covers 1,040 square kilometres and is…

Dar es Salaam Tours and excursions

Dar es Salaam Tours and excursions. Dar es Salaam’s recent history and daily life are quite fascinating. It is hard to make contact with either as a short-term visitor. There are tours with 4x4 Safari cars, on bike or foot around the city. These all introduce you to…