Dar es Salaam Tours and excursions.

Dar es Salaam’s recent history and daily life are quite fascinating. It is hard to make contact with either as a short-term visitor. There are tours with 4×4 Safari cars, on bike or foot around the city. These all introduce you to normal life back in the wild and on the streets and markets. Visitors will learn about the city’s colonial past including Bagamoyo which is around 40 km from Dar es Salaam and its role in pan-African liberation struggles plus international politics.

City Tours

Such tours take visitors to see everything from the Kivukoni Fish Market and botanical gardens and the National Museum & churches. Go to the Kariakoo the biggest market in Tanzania and East Africa and the Mwenge Carvers during market.

The excursions


The oldest town and the original capital of the German and East Africa. With a dark history of the slave market by the Arabs, the faded port of Bagamoyo is one of the most striking places on the Tanzanian coast. With about 40 miles from Dar es Salaam, Bagamoyo has a fascinating history. The name Bagamoyo means “lay down your heart” in the Swahili language. Interesting sites include the ruined medieval Mosques, well-preserved German fortifications and churches. This town is around an hour’s drive from Dar es Salaam.

Dar es Salaam Marine reserves

Just off the coastline are the islands of Bangoyo Pangavini Fungu and Mbudya. Bangoyo is 7kms north of Dar es Salaam and Mbudya is 4km further up the coast. These are the most frequently visited places with good beaches for swimming and snorkelling.

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