Lake Turkana is a vast inland sea, the world’s largest desert lake. It is located in the Kenyan Rift Valley in East Africa and is the cradle of mankind. The Lake Turkana region has always been unique and is of great importance to anthropologists, pre-historians, and geologists.  Because of its fossil deposits, which have led to the discovery of the earliest human and pre-human fossils, it has remained one of the most important sites for human history. Lake Turkana is the most saline of Africa’s large lakes and is an alkaline lake. The people living in the Lake Turkana region belong to various ethnic groups such as the Turkana, Samburu, Rendille, Daasannach, Gabbra, Borana, and the Pokot.

Lake Turkana served as a major route for early man and is still important today to the people living in the region, sustaining various species of birds, fishes, and other aquatic animals provides water, supports fishing and irrigated agriculture, and also inspires the production of great works of art and the development of other human cultures along its shores. Lake Turkana is fed by three rivers. The Turkwel, the Kerio, and the Omo, but no river flows out of the lake. It is in a desert and the water from the lake mainly has been used for irrigation over the years. Lake Turkana is about 300 km long by 30 km wide and has 3,000 km of lakeshore area. The average depth of the lake is 30 meters. It is considered the most beautiful desert lake in the world.

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